The preparation of financial accounts is a major part of our accountancy business.
Accounts Preparation
We recognise that the preparation of accounts is vitally important to all types of business for various different accountancy purposes. We can help with the preparation of accounts for all types of business.
Whether you are a sole trader, a partnership, a limited company, a limited liability partnership or a charity – Jackson Accountants can provide you with the expertise required to carry this out. We help you fulfil all of your obligations with HM Revenue and Customs, Companies House and any other regulatory body that you are required to submit financial accounts to.
The importance of a set of professionally prepared accounts is important to all businesses.
Not only are they required for tax and regulatory bodies but are often needed by banks, creditors or other lenders to help secure your financial requirements.
You may need to submit accounts to obtain a mortgage for a new home or to extend your existing business premisses.
You may need new vehicles which will require a set of accounts sending to the lease company.
The preparation of annual accounts is important for a business to assess how well they have performed throughout the year and to comply with their statutory obligations.
Interim Accountancy
We can also prepare interim accounts on a monthly or quarterly basis to assist businesses in the following:
Assessing areas of the business to minimise your tax liability
To identify areas of the business that need to be improved within your business.
To ensure all opportunities are exploited.
Assisting you in achieving your long term and short-term goals.
Whatever your requirements may be we have the technical expertise to offer you a service that is tailor made for your organisation.